Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Book 12- Sea Pearls and Defeat

So we've been with Odysseus, and the rest of the crew and Circe through his journey. Circw told Odysseus that he has two choices of ways to go home. Lumerious and I arent suppossd to know what these two choices are, but we do anyway. But before Oddysseus chooses, we have to pass by the Sirens. Oddysseus will put beeswax into our ears so their voices wont affect us. But we have to tie Odysseus to the pole so he wont try to steer us toward them and also so he can tell us when it's ok. Choice one entails: going by beetling rocks and dark blue gloancing Amphitrite, surging, roars around them. Prowling rocks, or Drifters, the gods and bliss have named them well. Not even birds can pass them by. Choice two: Go through the mist of the shapr mountain peircing the sky. We will come to the den of Scylla, a monster with 12 legs and 6 heads Upon her serpent necks She will take 6 men for each of her heads. We will also encounter Charybdis who lies there to swallow down the dark sea tide. If we come upon her, then the god who makes earth tremble cannot save us. Hug the cliff of Scylla, take the ship through one racing stroke. Better to mourn six men then to lose them all, and the ship,too. Then we will coast to Thrinacia, the island where Helio's cattle is. The cattle never die. We are not allowed to eat or touch the cattle. Keep our thoughts intent upon our course for home and hard sea fering brings us all to Ithaca. But if we raid the beeves, there will be hardship and destroction for thwe ship and crew.
So we're hoping Odysseus chooses the second course, because we really wanna go home.

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